JAKARTA - The government is currently vaccinating health workers with COVID-19 in the first phase of the vaccine program. However, there are obstacles in vaccinating medical personnel who handle these COVID-19 patients.

Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said the problem was that there were still health workers who did not come on the schedule for the vaccination calls.

"Vaccination for health workers has found a problem, in which health workers do not come to receive the vaccine on the set schedule," Wiku said in a YouTube broadcast of the Presidential Secretariat, Thursday, January 28.

Therefore, Wiku appealed to health workers to receive the vaccine according to the scheduled time.

This is because health workers have a 3 times greater risk of contracting COVID-19 than people in general, even though in a country with good quality handling of the pandemic.

"Given, this vaccine is given to prevent potential transmission, as well as a form of self-protection from fellow health workers," said Wiku.

Another obstacle faced in this vaccination is the cold chain capacity in some areas does not have sufficient vaccine storage. Because, there are also non-COVID-19 vaccines that were blocked by their servants during the pandemic period.

"For this problem, the Ministry of Health is working to improve the synchronization of vaccination logistics data so that it can be distributed properly," he said.

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