JAKARTA - Acting Chief Executive of the DKI Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Sabdo Kurnianto, said that the DKI Provincial Government will carry out a rapid antigen test for residents who are about to evacuate due to flooding.

Sabdo said that screening tests for flood refugees in the rainy season during the pandemic were carried out to prevent transmission of COVID-19.

"During the COVID-19 pandemic, we must continue to implement health protocols. So, the problem of rapid antigen is a part that can be done and God willing, we are ready to provide our own items," said Sabdo when met at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Thursday, January 28.

Sabdo said that the mayor of each administrative city will prepare evacuation sites and antigen rapid test facilities for residents in refugee camps.

If the test result is negative, residents can go directly to the evacuation site. Meanwhile, if there are test results with positive COVID-19, it will be followed by a PCR test. Then, they will be referred to the referral hospital or isolation area provided by the DKI Provincial Government.

"If someone was confirmed, then it should be continued at the referral hospital. Thus, this is also part of anticipation in the evacuation," he said.

BPBD, continued Sabdo, has also carried out simulations for handling flood evacuation at five points. "We make a scenario if it happens, it will be done, who does what, both from the government and society," he explained.

For information, DKI BPBD has posted signs and directions for evacuation locations in 267 villages. The distribution of evacuation locations is as follows:

- Central Jakarta

Number of Buildings: 183

Capacity: 27,393

Estimated Refugees: 9,593

- West Jakarta

Number of Buildings: 414

Capacity: 64,919

Estimated Refugees: 10,637

- South Jakarta

Number of Buildings: 260

Capacity: 18,175

Estimated Refugees: 10,431

- North Jakarta

Number of Buildings: 129

Capacity: 22,850

Estimated Refugees: 14,538

- East Jakarta

Number of Buildings: 257

Capacity: 39,599

Estimated Refugees: 20,629.

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