PENAJAM - Pemerintah Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, membuka akses jalan menuju Kawasan Industri Buluminung (KIB) yang dapat memperluar jarak antara daerah berjudu Benuo Takaitu dengan Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN).

"The access road to KIB is an alternative road as an IKN short road," said Assistant II for the Economy and Development of the Regional Secretariat of the North Penajam Paser Regency Government Nicko Herlambang as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, July 15.

The KIB short road access to Jalan Silkar can support the logistics distribution of the construction of the new capital city of Indonesia named Nusantara, if the central government utilizes the Benuo Taka Port located in KIB.

The road can be the main access from Benuo Taka Port to IKN with an alternative road open can save 45 minutes of travel from port to Nusantara City.

The North Penajam Paser Regency Government has prepared funds of approximately Rp35 billion in the district Revenue and Expenditure Budget for the construction of road access to KIB this year (2023).

The funds, ranging from Rp. 10 billion for land acquisition belonging to residents affected by road construction, and around Rp. 25 billion used for the physical construction of drainage channels.

The construction of a 12-kiB short road access road from Jalan Silkar kilometer 10 Girimukti Village to Jalan Inkur, Gunung Seteleng Village, in the Penajam District, is targeted for completion in August 2023.

In planning for access roads along the 12 kilometers, it has been opened for 10 kilometers, he said, which has a hardening length of 1.6 kilometers.

"The connecting road from Jalan Silkar to KIB has penetrated in August 2020," he continued.

The KIB short road access is carried out by the North Penajam Paser Regency Public Works and Spatial Planning (PUPR) Office, self-management.

The construction of alternative roads to KIB is in line with the construction of industrial estates, so roads must be built with conditions capable of being passed by large-loaded vehicles.

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