JAKARTA - The chairman of the Golkar faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD rejected the proposed PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD to form a special committee (pansus) investigating problems in the construction of the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). According to Baco, JIS does have shortcomings in terms of infrastructure and its supporters if it becomes a U-17 World Cup venue. However, it is enough to make improvements and not need to be investigated through the Special Committee of the DKI DPRD. "To be checked, examined and then corrected, refined, or renovated for the benefit of the World Cup, Golkar agreed and fully supported it. If it has to go to the special committee, Golkar refused. Unless audits and inspections are carried out and needs to be investigated, it may be able to go up the special committee," said Baco in a short message, Thursday, July 13. According to Baco, not all problems in Jakarta need to be resolved by recommendations from the results of the investigation by the special committee. Moreover, Baco is concerned that the JIS special committee is full of being associated with the current political conditions. "This principle is sometimes more political than its substance. Many special committees are also unclear, the end is not carried out as well as executives even though we are tired of discussing and deepening in the special committee," said Baco. Previously, the Secretary of the PDIP faction of the DKI DPRD DKI Jakarta Dwi Rio Sambodo views that JIS development was proven problematic after the emergence of clarification from Buro Happold. Where, Buro Happold emphasized that his party was not asked to design the JIS stadium and had never designed this stadium. Buro Happold was only asked to make many people's money, more oriented guidelines. However, the results of the company identified several aspects that turned out to be incompatible with the concepts of Buro Happold's design.., "he said.

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