MEDAN - Police arrested two perpetrators of sprinkling hydrochloric in Medan City, North Sumatra. The victim named Ferry Ardiansyah was seriously injured because of the spray of hydrochloric.

The deputy head of the Medan Police, Grand Commissioner Adjutant (AKBP) Irsan Sinuhaji said the identity of the perpetrator who was secured with the initials AF alias Caca is the victim's girlfriend, and the other perpetrator with the initials AM.

"The two suspects were arrested around Medan Tembung some time ago by officers from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Percut Police, Sei Tuan," he said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 27.

The police are still pursuing the two other people who are the masterminds of the perpetrators with the initials M and R.

"We are still hunting the other two perpetrators," he said.

Previously, Ferry Ardiansyah, a resident of Cemara Street, Medan, was critical after being splashed with hydrochloric by a number of people on Budi Utomo Street, Medan Tembung District on Sunday, December 6.

As a result of the incident, the victim suffered serious injuries to the head, face, and body, which led to intensive treatment in the hospital.

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