JAKARTA - General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that the position of National Police Chief was a position full of consequences. All his actions must be accounted for.

This statement was made by Listyo Sigit when giving a speech after receiving the police leadership baton from General Idham Azis.

"As the Chief of the National Police, it is a very big mandate for me to bear the consequences of being accountable not only to the laws and regulations of the leaders of the community and state but also to God Almighty," Listyo said at the National Police Headquarters, Wednesday, January 27.

With such a heavy burden as the National Police Chief, Listyo Sigit emphasized that he would do his best. He made a commitment to make the National Police institution better than before.

"Therefore, good intentions and commitment to always do my best are the basis for me in bringing the National Police institution to a better future," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appointed Listyo Sigit Prabowo to become the new National Police Chief replacing General Idham Azis who was retiring.

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