MEDAN - The Mandailing Natal (Madina) Police Team, North Sumatra, succeeded in thwarting an attempt to smuggle 570 kilograms of marijuana to be sent to Jakarta.

"Three suspects were arrested, namely IN (19), AL (31), and RW (27). One of them was shot because he tried to escape by fighting the officers when he was arrested", said Madina Police Chief AKBP Horas Tua Silalahi, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, 27 January.

The disclosure of the case began with information about the smuggling of hundreds of marijuana and was immediately acted upon by conducting an investigation.

After two weeks of reconnaissance, officers found a suspicious truck parked on Jalan Lintas Sumatera (Jalinsum) to be precise in Maga Lombang Village, Madina.

The officers then searched the truck and found evidence of 26 large sacks of marijuana weighing 570 kilograms.

From the results of the interrogation, the three suspects claimed to have been ordered by a marijuana owner from the village of Huta Bangun, East Panyabungan, Madina to be sent to Jakarta with a wage of IDR 50 million.

"We are still pursuing the owner of the marijuana, he is a resident of Huta Bangun, his initials F", he said.

The three suspects who have been arrested have been charged as suspects for allegedly violating Article 114 paragraph (2) Subs Article 112 Paragraph (2) Subs Article 115 paragraph (2) Jo Article 132 Paragraph (1) and Article 131 of Law 35/2009 concerning Narcotics.

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