JAKARTA - Acting Capitol Police Chief Yolanda Pittman apologized for his failure to maintain security in his jurisdiction, during the riots on Capitol Hill by supporters of Donald Trump.

This apology was stated in a report prepared for the US House of Representatives Committee, in a joint meeting with a number of other security agency officials, regarding the investigation of the riots on Capitol Hill.

"I am here to make a sincere apology on behalf of the department. The department has failed to meet its own high standards as well as yours", Pitmann said.

Together with Acting Sergeant of the House of Representatives and the US Senate, Pitmann said security officials will work hard to do more to improve the protection of the US Capitol.

A number of authorized officials gave information to the US House of Representatives regarding the investigation of the Capitol Hill riots. Those present included the FBI, National Guard, Department of Justice, and the Capitol Hill Police.

Officials acknowledged a number of errors in anticipating the incident, such as conflicting intelligence information, inadequate preparation, inadequate mobilization, and suggested improving communication structures and accountability systems.

capitol hill
Damage conditions inside the Capitol Hill Building. (Twitter / JasonDonner)

After the meeting, Democrat party representative, Tim Ryan told reporters that the police officers guarding Capitol Hill were ordered not to use lethal force against the violent and destructive mob on Capitol Hill.

"That is the direction given to them. The closure orders on the Capitol and adjacent buildings are not fully enforced", Ryan said.

"You still have people coming and going. Everything needs to be reviewed", said Ryan, who heads the Subcommittee on the House Appropriations that oversees the US Capitol Police and its funding.

Ryan emphasized that the series of investigations is still in its early stages, with many unanswered questions. He said the troop budget would be reviewed, given that officers did not have enough riot gear and other equipment to handle the masses

After the incident that killed 4 civilians 1 Capitol police, many officers experienced post-traumatic stress. The Capitol Police Chief and the DPR and Senate Sergeants resigned.

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