Healing The World's Book: Sugeng Rahardjo's Idea To Fight World War III Potential
Sugeng Rahardjo, a career diplomat for the former Indonesian Ambassador to South Africa and RRC and Mongolia along with his work book Healing The World. (Special)

JAKARTA - After the first book of Unboxing China which received wide reviews from various groups in 2021 was published, two years later, Sugeng Rahardjo, a career diplomat of the former Indonesian Ambassador to China, again published a book entitled 'Healing the World' Fighting the Third World War Fire', which was launched in Jakarta on June 26, 2023.

In contrast to the book Unboxing China which explores in depth various aspects of China's development which brought to the light of the Indonesian economy and the world, in accordance with the experience of being the Indonesian Ambassador in Beijing in 2014 2017, the book Healing the World discusses the issue of actual issues that are currently happening in the midst of the world community, namely the pain of the world economy and also the geopolitical transition of the world which is shifting from America to a new, more balanced world economy.

Teuku Rezasyah, a lecturer on International Relations at Padjadjaran University, Bandung who was present as a resource person in the book review, emphasized that the book needed to be read by diplomats, students and those who have an interest in international diplomacy or the dynamics that are happening in the world today.

"This book invites the Republic of Indonesia to be more independent and more sensitive to the current and future geopolitical conditions," said Rezasyah.

Meanwhile, Sugeng said, the world will still be controlled by neocolonialism, which is marked by a zero sum game policy, which is that someone must win and lose. There is no draw!

"Since World War II, the policies taken have always been marked by competition that has been transferred to health, but have caused tensions," said Sugeng.

Apart from Rezasyah, the book surgery Healing The World also presented student activists from the Indonesian Islamic Student Association (HMI), the Indonesian Christian Student Movement (GMKI) and the Indonesian Catholic Student Association (PMKRI).

The novelty of this book is that all of these world geopolitical events are not reviewed from the point of view of an observer, but as a perpetrator, which is described through the course of life and career of a Sugeng Rahardjo. Both started from the beginning of his career as a diplomat, saw and was in New York, United States when the country became the pinnacle of world progress.

Sugeng is also in China, when the Bamboo Curtain Country has been the center of new world progress for the past decade.

"I wrote this book to provide experience over the last 40 years as a diplomat, where domestic development and international relations are not empty space but are widely utilized by various interests, which if they do not get the attention of the younger generation, will create various challenges and obstacles in creating a more prosperous, fairer and prosperous Indonesia," said Sugeng Rahardjo, who has also been the Indonesian Ambassador to South Africa.

The book, written by Sugeng Rahardjo, is 300 pages thick. Divided in two volumes, giving an in-depth message of the importance of foreign political management. Diplomacy is not just a base, through ceremonial events, but must bring and transfer the prosperity of a more advanced country to Indonesia.

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