JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian has bullied that he will remove the regional head (pj) if the value of regional inflation he leads exceeds the value of national inflation for three consecutive months.
"There are 105 Pj now, if I change the 3 consecutive months above the national level, I will report it to the President," the Minister of Home Affairs told reporters, after attending the inauguration of the National Simultaneous Cheap Food Movement, quoted by ANTARA, Monday, June 26.
He said the threat of removal of the pj was in order to maintain the value of inflation and stability of food prices in the community.
The Minister of Home Affairs said that in 2023, the government will add the acting regional head to 170 people consisting of governors, deputy governors, regents and deputy regents, as well as mayors and deputy mayors.
Based on Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4 of 2023, the Minister and DPRD through the Chair of the provincial DPRD have the right to propose the name of the Acting Regional Head to fill the vacancy of governor and deputy governor positions, regent and deputy regent, mayor and deputy mayor.
However, Tito emphasized, if an area is unable to control inflation, then the regional proposal regarding the candidate for the acting governor will not be accepted.
"If I see the governor can control inflation, we will consider and propose the regent, his staff as regional head of the mayor's regent will benefit him. But if we look at (inflation) above the national level, we will continue to propose not that, later the candidate for mayor will be from the center later," he said.
Tito admitted that so far he had rejected several proposals for the name of the acting governor from the governor who failed to maintain the value of regional inflation below the national level. However, he refused to submit the exact number of pj names from the governor he had rejected.
"I don't need to know. Anyway, in that area, the inflation is above 4 percent of the proposal later from the governor, I will definitely put it in my drawer," he also said.
"There is North Maluku, there is from Sumatra, basically the data we have. It's easy to follow inflation in regions per province, province A is above 4 percent, I don't think so," said the Minister of Home Affairs.
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