JAKARTA - The Indonesian House of Representatives' Hajj Supervisory Team (DPR) revealed a number of complaints from Indonesian pilgrims after having a dialogue with them at the Hajj Congregation, Misfalah Hotel, Mecca City. Member of Commission VIII DPR RI Abdul Wachid said that the pilgrims felt there was a shortage of medicine while in the Holy Land. Therefore, according to him, this condition needs to be a concern of the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of Health.

"I think this needs attention from the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of Health regarding the need for flu, cough medicine, and antibiotics because this extreme weather factor has resulted in many flu or cough Hajj pilgrims," said Abdul, Jakarta, Sunday, June 25.

In addition, continued Abdul, his party also highlighted the congregation's lodging. He said that one hotel room or inn was inhabited by six people.

According to Abdul, a maximum of one room should be inhabited by four prospective pilgrims. This is so that the congregation can rest comfortably while performing the pilgrimage.

"For this reason, we must convey this later during a working meeting at the DPR regarding the findings," said Abdul.

In addition, Abdul also said that there were findings that needed to be handled by a special team, namely related to arranging departure times to bring sick pilgrims to Arafah, Muzdalifah, and Mina.

"This must be guided through the departure bus. I think the results of our review are at three points, later we will take it to the working meeting with the Ministry of Religion," explained Abdul.

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