JAKARTA - The police exposed the illegal abortion practice "Paseban Clinic" some time ago. From the police investigation, it was found that the reasons why hundreds of women were desperate to abort their wombs.

Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Yusri Yunus, said that the police discovered the fact that the woman who registered to the illegal abortion clinic was due to company regulations or was pregnant out of wedlock.

"Their mode is why they want to come to an illegal abortion clinic like this because almost on average these patients are first pregnant out of wedlock, want to apply for work with the condition that she is not allowed to get pregnant and she is pregnant, and there is also she uses family planning but it fails so that the abortion, "Yusri said in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 18.

Based on the clinic data, there are hundreds of women who register as patients. They are generally young or entering a productive period. The police have not yet developed this case into the realm of abortion patients.

Investigators said that information about patients who used this service was still too little. This is because the guest list only includes name and age.

However, investigators are trying to trace transactions on the clinic's account to find out the patient.

"This is an obstacle for us to find out who the patient is because the data is incomplete. We continue to trace it because we take it from the accounts that enter their clinic management so that way we can find out," said Yusri.

Furthermore, Yusri emphasized that later the women who were proven to have intentionally aborted their wombs could be charged with criminals. This is because abortion is an illegal act and has been regulated in Article 75 paragraph 1 of law number 36 of 2009 concerning health.

The fetus resulting from the abortion in this clinic is destroyed. The suspects used chemicals first and then threw the fetus into a septic tank. The chemical liquid used by the perpetrators is still being investigated by the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor).

"According to the perpetrator's statement before being dumped it was destroyed using one of the chemicals, we are still checking what chemicals were used," said Yusri.

From this case, the police are still developing. The police are chasing a doctor with the initials S who is suspected of being involved in this illegal abortion practice.

"About a month, he (doctor A) himself performed (the abortion) and this is what we are pursuing," said Yusri.

Previously it was reported that the police revealed the practice of illegal abortion at an anonymous clinic in the Senen area, Central Jakarta. In fact, the clinic is said to have a network of dozens of midwives scattered around Jakarta.

The illegal abortion clinic network was exposed after examining three suspects, MM, RM, and SI. From their statement, dozens of midwives who were part of this network played a role in promoting to victims to abort their wombs in a clinic known as 'Paseban Clinic'.

During the examination, it was also revealed that several doctors were involved in illegal abortion practices at the clinic. They often bring or recommend the clinic to their patients.

This network also has hundreds of brokers who are ready to deliver and disseminate information to the wider community about the clinic's existence. They said that this clinic could abort the womb at a cheap price but it was right to use the advanced technology befitting a well-known hospital.

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