JAKARTA - The International Muslim Ulema Association (IUMS) "strengthened" the tilings of the holy book of the Koran by Israeli settlers when they damaged mosques in the City of Urif in the occupied West Bank area.

"This barbaric and despicable act is a blatant attack on the sacred values of Islam while at the same time hurting the feelings of Muslims around the world," said the Doha-based IUMS.

Turkey's Foreign Ministry also criticized the incident and said it was concerned about the new tensions in the region in recent days.

"We condemn the attacks carried out by a group of Jewish settlers against our holy book, the Quran, by entering a mosque in the city of Urif which is in Palestinian territory under Israeli occupation," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, June 24.

Tensions in the West Bank have peaked in recent months amid intense Israeli raids on Palestinian cities.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, nearly 180 Palestinians have died at the hands of Israeli troops since the beginning of this year. Meanwhile, at least 25 Israelis were also killed in various attacks during the same period.

It is estimated that there are around 700,000 settlers living in 164 residential areas and 116 outside points in the occupied West Bank area. Based on international law, all Jewish settlements in occupied areas are considered illegal.

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