Unknown Person Throws Stones At The Residence Of Slamet Ma'arif
Illustration (Pixabay)

JAKARTA - Chairman of the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA), Slamet Ma'arif, received terror from an unknown person. Her house in Cimanggis, Depok was thrown by stones.

To VOI, Slamet Ma'arif said, the stoning took place at around 03.00 WIB today. When the incident happened, he was sleeping and was shocked because there was a sound of broken glass from outside his house.

Then, Slamet checked the situation. Apparently, the sound came from the front window of his house. Two large stones were also found not far from the window.

"Two large stones were thrown at the house and shattered the windows of the house," said Slamet Ma'arif, Tuesday, February 18.

This act of terror did not happen only once. Because not long ago, Slamet's house was thrown again. This time, it hit the front door.

"The second terror occurred while I was at the mosque for prayer (Fajr) in congregation," said Slamet.

Based on the information from local residents who had seen the throwing action, the suspected perpetrators of the throwing were two people. They rode white motorbikes while in action.

"From the testimony of neighbors, there were those who saw that the perpetrator was riding a motorbike, riding a motorbike," said Slamet.

Currently, the case has been reported to the police. The Cimanggis Police Chief, Kompol Effendi, said that his members were gathering all the information and instructions. In addition, investigators must be really careful to uncover the case.

"We are currently investigating the truth, because sensitive information must be meticulous (disclosure efforts)," said Effendi.

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