JAKARTA - A Sumatran tiger cub (Panthera tigria sumatrae) that was caught in snares on community plantations, Southeast Aceh District are still being treated intensively. The team is still focused on healing the wound on the rare animal's right leg.

"From the results of the examination and handling of the medical team, the Sumatran tiger cub needs special care and is still being treated intensively for healing the wound on its right front leg due to a snare," said the Head of BKSDA Aceh, Agus Arianto, as reported by Antara, Monday, January 25.

A tiger cub, estimated to be 1-1.5 years old, was found in a community garden, Gulo Village, Darul Hasanah District, Southeast Aceh Regency, last Saturday, January 23.

The condition is very weak and dehydrated or lack of fluids. According to the medical team's examination, it was estimated that the cub had been caught in a snare for 3 days before being evacuated.

"The cub is male and weigh 45 to 50 kilograms. Currently, it is being treated intensively at the BPTN Region II BBTNGL Office in Kutacane, Southeast Aceh Regency," said Agus Arianto.

Agus Arianto said that if the health development of the cub gets better, a plan to be released into their natural habitat will be prepared.

"The release process will involve all parties, especially local governments and local communities to ensure the safety of tigers in their natural habitat," said Agus Arianto.

Head of the Aceh BKSDA, Agus Arianto, said that the Sumatran tiger is a protected wild animal under the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry.

Based on the list of animal rarities issued by the world conservation agency International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), this animal, which is only found on the island of Sumatra, is a critically endangered species, at high risk of extinction in the wild.

The Aceh BKSDA appealed to the community to work together to protect sustainability, especially the Sumatran tiger, by not destroying the forest, which is the habitat for various species of animals.

In addition, not capturing, injuring, killing, storing, possessing, maintaining, transporting and trading protected animals whether alive or dead.

Then, do not install snares or hog mesh fences, poison, high voltage electric fences that can lead to the death of protected wildlife. All these illegal acts are subject to criminal sanctions in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.

"We appreciate the support of all parties, especially the people of Gulo Village, Darul Hasanah District, Southeast Aceh Regency, the police, the TNI who helped the evacuation process and supported the reintroduction of the Sumatran tiger to its habitat," said Agus Arianto.

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