JAKARTA - The West Sumatra Regional Police (Polda) recorded that they had reprimanded thousands of business owners who violated health protocols at their places of business in the last four days.
Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Regional Police, Kombes Pol Satake Bayu in Padang, said Sunday that this warning was given so that business actors could comply with health protocols in their locations.
"Starting from providing a place to wash hands, keeping a distance and obliging wearing masks," he said as quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 24.
He noted that from Wednesday January 20 to Saturday January 24, officers had reprimanded 1,222 business owners scattered throughout the area.
Starting from Wednesday January 20, officers reprimanded 261 business owners, starting with the Padang Police warning 55 business owners in their area and the Pesisir Selatan Police Department warning 42 entrepreneurs.
After that, on Thursday, January 21, police officers reprimanded 420 business owners in the area. Starting from the Solok Kota Polres reprimanding 149 business actors and Padang Police reprimanding 42 business owners in Padang City.
Furthermore, on Friday, January 22, the police reprimanded 272 business owners in the province, starting from the Padang Police reprimanding 51 business owners followed by the Dharmasraya Police warning 39 business owners and the Pesisir Selatan Polres reprimanding 37 business owners.
Then on Saturday, January 23, the West Sumatra Police noted that 269 business owners had violated health protocols. The Padang Police himself reprimanded 50 business owners while the Pesisir Selatan Police Department reprimanded 38 business owners.
"We will continue to remind business owners to be disciplined in implementing health protocols and in accordance with existing regulations," he said.
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