JAKARTA - PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) (KAI) supports the use of the Gajah Mada Electric Nose COVID-19 or GeNose C19 tools at KAI services for screening of the corona virus on rail transportation.

"We welcome the innovation presented by the nation's children in order to provide a fast, inexpensive, and accurate COVID-19 detection service," said KAI Vice President Public Relations Joni Martinus in his statement, quoted from Antara, Sunday, January 24.

GeNose C19 is a corona virus detection tool developed by researchers at Gajah Mada University and has obtained a distribution permit from the Ministry of Health. Taking samples from GeNose C19 in the form of breaths and test results can be known immediately in just 3 minutes.

The fee is estimated to be around IDR 20,000 for one test with an accuracy of above 90 percent. Joni said KAI plans to buy the GeNose C19 which will later be used at various train stations.

"Currently, KAI is still waiting for further regulations from the government regarding the use of GeNose C19 in public transportation modes," said Joni.

The use of domestic products is also KAI's support for the Proud Made Indonesia campaign that the government is promoting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"KAI fully supports all steps and government policies to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the community. The use of GeNose C19 in rail transportation is a matter of pride for KAI, because it can be one of the first to implement this innovation," he said.

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