JAKARTA - The Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance revealed the state's losses from the existence of state-owned goods (BMN) which were affected by the earthquake in Mamuju Regency and Majene Regency, West Sulawesi. The total reached IDR494.28 billion.

Ekka S. Sukadana, Head of the DJKN Regional Office of the Ministry of Finance of South, Southeast and West Sulawesi, said that the total loss of Rp. 494.28 billion came from 279 objects, including 118 state houses and 161 office buildings.

"We have traveled between Mamuju and Majene. From the data we received today, the impact of the earthquake was not bad," he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, January 22.

Ekka detailed that the losses incurred from the building belonging to the Ministry of Finance reached IDR 75 billion, while the Mamuju BPKP building reached IDR 23 billion.

"The Mamuju BPKP office is also damaged by Rp. 23 billion, according to our calculations. The TVRI service there while looking for a possible place, is about Rp. 5 billion in losses," he said.

Ekka explained that the earthquake also had an impact on the damage to various infrastructure totaling IDR 405 billion, consisting of 23 bridges and 20 kilometers of Trans Sulawesi roads.

Therefore, Ekka emphasized the importance of the BMN insurance program because when a damage occurs it can be repaired immediately and there is no need to wait two to three years.

"How important this insurance is. When there is a claim, the rebuilding can be done immediately. It doesn't wait two to three years," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Regional Office of DJKN for South and Central Kalimantan, Ferdinand Lengkong, also revealed that the floods in South Kalimantan caused state losses of IDR 35.4 billion from 11 work units.

"Meanwhile we have just written to the coordinating unit of the work unit to collect data on other BMN affected by the flood to be reported to the DJKN," he said.

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