JAKARTA - The National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) has completed an investigation into the alleged shooting case involving the police and members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) on the Jakarta-Cikampek KM 50 Toll Road and has been submitted to the President as a recommendation for handling the case.

Komnas HAM Chairman Ahmad Taufan Damanik said the results of the investigation had not found any serious human rights violations. However, they found human rights violations because there were unlawful killings committed by the police.

"We convey that as there are many outside indications that this is said or assumed to be a serious human rights violation, we have found no indication in that direction," Taufan said Thursday, January 14.

With these findings, Komnas HAM recommends that the legal process of this case be included in the criminal court so that these findings can be proven.

"And in the future, we recommend that they be brought to the criminal court to prove what we indicate as unlawful killing," he said.

"Komnas certainly hopes that later there will be a legal process that is accountable, transparent, and all the public can witness it," added Taufan.

Kabareskrim Polri who is also a candidate for Chief of Police, Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo will follow up on recommendations from Komnas HAM.

He made this statement when he was carrying out a fit and proper test at the DPR-RI, on Wednesday, January 20.

"The extrajucial killings recommended by Komnas HAM were in compliance with and following up on recommendations," said Listyo.

"So the KM 50 issue we follow the recommendations of Komnas HAM," he added.

However, Listyo did not explain the steps to be taken as a follow-up to Komnas HAM's recommendations.

Meanwhile, the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brig. Gen. Andi Rian said that his party would follow up on recommendations for handling the case. However, he also did not mention the next steps in the follow-up to the recommendations.

"Recommendations must be followed up," he said, saying he had not yet received Komnas HAM recommendations.

Regarding the submission of the recommendations, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) received the recommendation text directly from Komnas HAM, on Thursday, January 14.

"The presence of Komnas HAM conveyed to the President the death of the six laskar guarding Muhammad Rizieq Shihab on December 7, 2020," said Mahfud MD.

According to him, from the start the government did not form an independent joint fact-finding team (TGPF), but instead submitted it to Komnas HAM, in accordance with the existing law.

"Since the beginning we said, please do Komnas HAM investigate, we will not interfere. Komnas HAM has been working fully and the results have been announced on Friday (8/1) to the public," said Mahfud.

After receiving the recommendation manuscript, President Jokowi asked that all of them be followed up and guarded.

"So, that was the conclusion after the President met with the Komnas HAM commissioner to invite me to talk, the content of which hoped that all Komnas HAM recommendations would be guarded and followed up. Nothing should be hidden," said Mahfud.

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