BENGKULU - Commander of the Joint Regional Defense Command (Pangkogabwilhan) I, Vice Admiral TNI Irvansyah, revealed that 33 soldiers will be sent to the outermost island on the Indonesian border.

The dozens of soldiers will be tasked with guarding Enggano Island, Bengkulu Province.

"Tomorrow morning I will also immediately review Enggano Island because now there is an operation to secure the outermost island which will start operating on June 1, 2023," said Pangkogabwilhan I in Bengkulu, Tuesday, May 23, as quoted by Antara.

He said that the soldiers who will be sent to Enggano Island have undergone selection and various examinations. According to him, those who pass the selection are the best soldiers.

"Enggano Island is the Indonesian border located in the western region of Bengkulu Province," he added.

The soldiers have undergone physical and mental health tests and have also been provided with instructions on how they should later serve on Enggano Island. He said that as a soldier, you must be ready to serve anywhere in this country.

"A soldier must be ready to be placed anywhere, be it in the city or in the forest or on the outermost island. I think the soldiers are already there, there is no problem about that, and hopefully the challenges on Enggano Island are not too heavy compared to other areas," he said.

The government, he said, has also provided support for the placement of soldiers on the outermost island by ensuring the availability of facilities, supporting infrastructure and facilities.

"I think the facilities are good enough, water, electricity can be guaranteed, hopefully the task can also run smoothly," said Pangkogabwilhan I.

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