DENPASAR - Who is the perpetrator of the female killer from Subang, Dwi Farica Lestari in the boarding house of Panjer, South Denpasar, Bali, has not been revealed. From the processing of the crime scene (TKP), money and condoms were found.

"Found at the scene only Rp250 thousand remains. The condom is at the TKP, ”said Denpasar Police Chief Kombes Jansen Avitus Pandjaitan to reporters in Denpasar, Bali, Thursday, January 21.

Before being found and killed naked, Dwi Farica Lestari or DFL received 5 guests. This last person is suspected to be the killer.

"Yes (serving dates). We and Polda always suppress online prostitution like this, "continued Kombes Jansen.

The police have checked the surveillance camera (CCTV) footage. A number of witnesses were examined to reveal the murder case of Dwi Farica Lestari or FDL in Denpasar.

"(The evidence) we bring to the forensic laboratory to be deepened. To identify the existence of evidence and identity of the perpetrator, "continued Jansen.

The murder of Dwi Farica Lestari (DFL) was busy on social media. The TikTok video - the last before being killed - made by Dwi Farica Lestari (DFL) was also shared on social media.

From the results of the autopsy there were 3 stab wounds on Dwi Farica Lestari's neck. Dwi Farica Lestari was found dead naked on Saturday, January 16.

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