GARUT - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Garut Regency conducted an examination of the prospective legislative candidate (bacaleg) from NasDem and the Chairman of the Garut KPU, West Java regarding the money palm oil case after the submission of the legislative list at the local KPU office.
"This clarification is to determine whether there are findings of violations or not," said Garut Bawaslu Coordinator and Organization Asep Burhanudin as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 19.
Garut Bawaslu has officially sent a letter of summons for clarification to examine the activity of distributing money after submitting the Nasdem Party legislative list at the Garu KPU Office, Thursday (11/5).
The first examination, said Asep, was carried out on one of the legislators named Suherman who was involved in distributing money, then examining the Chairman of the Garut KPU Garut Junaidin Basri as the election organizer.
"One of them is Mr. Suherman baulaleg NasDem. At 14.00 he clarified that the KPU chairman was related to the incident that occurred in the submission of the NasDem Party leg," said Asep.
He revealed that the clarification examination of the two people was related to the purpose of the oil palm activity for tens of thousands of rupiah denominations.
The results of the examination, said Asep, could not be concluded because they had to examine a number of other parties, after that a plenary meeting was held to decide whether or not there was an election violation.
"The results will be made clear after all of them are fully clarified, then a press conference with the media crew will be held," he said.
Garut Bawaslu saat ini masih perlu melakukan klarifikasi terhadap dua orang lainnya yang juga melakukan aksi sawer uang di lingkungan Kantor KPU Garut.
The results of the search for the two people were the chairman of the NasDem Party Diah Kurniasari as also the wife of Garut Regent Rudy Gunawan, and another cadre as well as a Baulaleg from the NasDem Party.
"The examination is Monday (22.5). We have sent an invitation letter to clarify it to the relevant parties," he said.
Ketua KPU Garut Junaidin Basri menyatakan, datangnya ke Bawaslu Garut untuk memenuhi pemanggilan klarifikasi berkaitan dengan bagi-bagi uang balaleg di lingkungan Kantor KPU Garut.
"There was an incident of saweran in the parking lot or in the yard of the KPU office, there were dozens of questions that had to be answered," he said.
He revealed a number of questions related to the legal basis for filing a leg, as well as the time for submitting a leg to the Garut KPU.
Junaidin said that before submitting the legislative list, the NasDem Party group brought the art of praying to enliven the submission of a leg registration at the Garut KPU Office.
"Previously they informed that there was a performance of art creations, arts and culture, there was no information about saweran, so it was spontaneity," he said.
As previously reported, the Chairman of the DPD NasDem Garut, then Baulaleg from Nasdem, namely Suherman, a former bureaucrat official of the Garut Regency Government, and a cadre while riding a sign threw money around the Garut KPU office.
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