MATARAM - Two health workers (nakes) in Mataram City, West Nusa Tenggara were revealed to be involved in the alleged abortion case of lovers with the initials NA (36) and HA (39)

Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Mataram Police, Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama, confirmed that the health workers consisting of midwives and clinic doctors are still witnesses in the abortion case who have named NA and HA as suspects.

"We will still summon the person concerned, invite him and examine him as a witness," Yogi said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 17.

He explained that this request for information was still part of the police's efforts to complete the evidence for determining NA and HA as suspects.

"This is related to Article 184 of the Criminal Procedure Code regarding evidence. In connection with later on, he (nakes) actually handed over (drugs for abortion), of course there must be witnesses and other instructions that we must complete, later the prosecutor will judge whether to enter Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code (consecutive and) or not," he said.

This alleged abortion case was first revealed from information from the Mataram City Regional General Hospital (RSUD) on April 22, 2023.

The police followed up on the information by visiting the hospital and finding NA who was receiving medical treatment.

The hospital also confirmed that NA had just finished undergoing delivery with a 3-month-old state of fetal miscarriage.

The suspect HA, who accompanied NA, underwent medical treatment at the hospital, admitted that the fetus was the result of their four-year love affair.

Before finally experiencing a miscarriage, NA told the police that she first learned of a pregnancy at the end of March 2023.

At that time, HA who accompanied NA decided to check with a clinic doctor. The results of the doctor's examination stated that NA had stomach acid.

At that time, NA admitted that she was given a drug for depreciating nausea that she did not know the name of the drug. The shape of the capsule with one plate contains 10 pills.

"The suspect was given three plates. As recommended, the drug was taken with three doses three times a day. The suspect also admitted to being injected," said Yogi.

Because he had not recovered from nausea, he even experienced stomach pain and a little bleeding, NA decided to check the health of the midwife with the initials FT who opened a practice in Sweta, Mataram City, on April 17, 2023. "He said the midwife was recommended by a friend," he said.

From the midwife's examination, NA later found out that she was pregnant. The midwife also stated that NA's pregnancy had little disorder, possibly making the fetus survive.

The next day he came back to the midwife because quite a lot of bleeding. There it was said that the suspect's fetus NA was weak, thinly likely to survive.

Midwives also offered NA medicine. The NA suspect answered by nodding his head. Without knowing the name of the drug, NA drank two pills and the other two were inserted through the genitals.

After the treatment process was completed, the FT midwife said that she could not help remove the NA fetus due to limited equipment.

Before finally completing the emergency delivery process at the Mataram City Hospital, NA and HA routinely check their health conditions at the FT midwife until April 22, 2023, NA contracted and gave birth to the fetus at her home for the first time.

NA and HA are now languishing in the Mataram Police Rutan. As suspects, both are subject to Article 77A paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to the law. No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection Juncto Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

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