PAREPARE - The police arrested a man with the initials G who broke into a resident's house on Jalan A Makkulau, Parepare, South Sulawesi.

"The incident, Thursday, June 14, was around 3:50 a.m. WITA," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Criminal Investigation of the South Sulawesi Police, Kompol Suprianto, to reporters, Wednesday, January 20.

He said the arrest began with the victim's report with the initials E. The suspect was found to have entered the residents' house with the door open.

At that time, the perpetrator wore black clothes and a mask. The owner of the house was sleeping, but his son realized that the perpetrator was carrying the bag.

"The bag contains a 10 gram gold ring, cellphone and several other important documents. The loss suffered by the victim is allegedly Rp. 6 million," said Suprianto.

From the victim's report, the police arrested the perpetrator. Evidence was also secured.

"Evidence of bags, rings, watches," he said.

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