YOGYAKARTA - The case of alleged illegal use of village treasury land in Puduhan Jenengan, Maguwoharjo Village, Depok, Sleman Regency, will be prosecuted.

This was confirmed by the Governor of the Special Region (DI) of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono (HB) X as quoted from the official website of the DIY Regional Government, Friday, May 5.

Sultan HB X said his party was asking the DIY Inspectorate to calculate state losses before bringing the case to the realm of law.

"We have just asked the Inspectorate to review the losses. The study will later become the basis for filing demands," said Sultan.

In addition to the Jenengan Hamlet, Maguwoharjo Village, Depok, Sleman, previously the DIY Regional Government had also taken legal action against cases of abuse of village treasury land in Nologaten, Caturtunggal, Depok, Sleman.

The case of using village treasury land for housing development has even been handled by the DIY High Prosecutor's Office by naming the suspect in the President Director of PT Deztama Putri Sentosa with the initials RS.

Regarding the case that has been handled by the DIY Prosecutor's Office, the Sultan admitted that he did not know the progress of the handling.

"If the case has been handled by the prosecutor's office, of course the prosecutor's office will know better. We will not know what the process will be if it has not yet reached the court. Regarding how the follow-up will be, of course we will see the court's decision later. If we step now without a court decision, then it will be wrong," said Sri Sultan.

It was previously reported that the Yogyakarta Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) had taken firm action by temporarily suspending the construction of D'Junas residential houses on Monday, April 17.

The residential construction project belonging to PT Komando Bhayangkara Nusantara was dealt with firmly because it had not been licensed.

According to the Head of the DIY Satpol PP Noviar Rahmad, the D'Junas residential construction activity in Maguwoharjo Village does not yet have a permit from the Governor of DIY.

The warning letter that has been sent several times, both by the DIY Regional Government and Maguwoharjo and Depok Districts, has not been ignored by the developer.

"In fact, it is very clear that the land used as a location for the construction of the residence is Kalurahan Maguwoharjo village treasury land. The application for the village land utilization permit that was proposed is currently still being held at the Sleman Land and Spatial Planning Office because it is indicated that the use of village land is not in accordance with the proposed designation," he said.

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