JAKARTA - A man driving a Mazda sedan with a police license plate carried out the persecution of an online taxi driver. The incident took place at the Jakarta - Tangerang toll road, near the exit gate of Tomang toll road, West Jakarta, on Thursday night, May 4.

"The location is on the exit Tomang toll road, there are route dividers who want to go up to the toll road again, the same as those who want to leave Tomang. When the incident happened, I was going out towards Tomang," said victim Hendra when contacted by VOI, Friday, May 5.

The cause of the incident began with a trivial problem, namely because the victim wanted to change lanes because he was about to leave the toll road.

"There are 4, I am in lane 3. There is an empty gap because I want to go out towards Tomang. Because there is an empty gap, I gave the light a penny, I intended to go straight to the right. The right corner. Because there was a car, he immediately went to find it like he didn't give my car into the empty space, "said Hendra to VOI.

Because he was not given a road, then the victim returned to lane 3 before his car was in position.

"I don't think I was given, I went back to track 3. When I was on the track, he was immediately cut off on lane 3. That's where I was scolded and beaten the rest of me there," he said.

In addition to cursing, the perpetrator, the driver of the car with the police service plate, also abused the victim who was still in his car.

"He took out a gun, as far as I know the gun. He was hit many times," he added.

The victim, Hendra, suffered bruises from being hit and slapped several times by the perpetrator.

"At the time of the incident I was dizzy and confused (twisted) after being hit. I was slapped twice and hit twice on the right," he said.

The victim hopes that the police will immediately arrest the perpetrators because they have acted arrogantly towards civilians. Moreover, the perpetrator used a car with a police service plate.

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