JAKARTA - Panja Jiwasraya Commission III held a meeting for the first time with the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the AGO, Ali Mukartono. However, this meeting was closed.
The meeting which took place from 11.00 WIB to 14.00 WIB decided to call Jampidsus and related parties again to investigate the case of default on the state-owned company policy.
Chairman of the Committee III Jiwasraya Committee, Herman Hery said, a follow-up meeting with Jampidsus will be held on February 26. Regarding the meeting material later, said Herman, Panja will undergo the matter of supervision.
"We will summon the parties suspected of being involved on the 26th, Tuesday at 3 pm. Second, the prosecutor, in this case Jampidsus," said he, when he was met at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday, February 13.
Herman explained, because today's meeting was closed, the entire discussion material could not be delivered. However, in broad terms, the discussion revolves around what the Attorney General has done.
"The confiscated assets, whose witnesses, searches that have been carried out. That's all. More details later," he said.
Not only that, Herman also said it was possible that his party would also summon the suspect in the Jiwasraya case. OJK and PPATK also have the opportunity to be summoned to attend the panja meeting.
"We want to return the assets that have been taken, the proceeds from crimes that have been hidden. So maybe we will also summon PPATK. So the tracing of the results of this crime is what we want to be withdrawn and managed by the state to pay to customers," he said.
Regarding OJK, said Herman, his party called OJK to explore the supervision carried out, not in the financial context. Including the alleged misappropriation. Because, the focus is on law enforcement.
"We will definitely call the OJK. We want to see the supervision until this crime can occur, how and what did the OJK do? We feel like whether this has been neglected. Know but let. This is what we want to know. If that's true, that's what happened, all must be legally processed, "he said.
New Suspects in the Jiwasraya Case
Acting Jampidsus Ali Mukartono explained that the committee asked what had been done in the Jiwasraya case. Ali revealed that in front of the committee members, his party explained starting from the examination of witnesses to the determination of the suspect.
"Reporting on the number of witnesses that have been examined, the number of experts who have been investigated, the search for assets, what have been found, and the determination of how many suspects, etc.
Ali said that what is being reported is still developing. Because, the investigation is still ongoing. The reports made to the working committee were not comprehensive.
"So if we report the whole thing later in court. So this is limited to the investigation stage until yesterday. Panja assessed that this case could involve other parties to the banking sector, this is possible," he said.
According to Ali, it is possible that a new suspect will also be found in the process. Because, if the evidence obtained refers to one person, then there could be new suspects, including from banks.
"We have asked anyone's commitment to fulfill the elements of the criminal act, we ask for responsibility. So it is not limited to A and B. Can anyone. Anyway, proof is fulfilled, yes we will continue. We are judging the suspect from the evidence, if there is anyone, "he explained.
Ali also explained that in the development of this case the Attorney General's Office had named a new suspect. However, Ali did not explain in detail about the suspect.
"Yesterday we set one, yes, from five we added one. Part of the liaison between affiliated parties and parties from Jiwasraya," he said.
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