JAKARTA - Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media of the Presidential Secretariat Bey Machmudin explained President Joko Widodo's appeal regarding extending Eid leave. Where, the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) must still be submitted according to procedures in their respective agencies.

"In his appeal, the President said: 'The technical ones can be regulated by their respective agencies/companies, such as additional leave or other forms of leave'. So it can extend leave, WFH from their hometowns (WFA/work from anywhere), or can be permission from superiors," said Bey quoting Antara.

Bey said as conveyed by the President, the appeal for an extension of Eid leave applies to ASN, TNI/Polri, and private employees and still must coordinate with superiors or human resources in their respective agencies.

"The procedure for permits, leave, WFH, and WFA must still be carried out. Since the pandemic, we are used to WFH, how to miss online, work based on performance, and so on. But if you are in Jakarta, you come in, you don't need to extend your leave," he said.

As previously reported, President Jokowi appealed to State Civil Apparatus, TNI/Polri and private employees who went home to their hometowns to avoid the peak of backflow which is expected to occur on April 24 and 25. 2023, to prevent the accumulation of vehicles.

The President appealed to ASN, TNI/Polri and private employees to postpone their trip back to the city after April 26, 2023, by extending Eid leave.

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