JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono, and Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi reviewed the conditions of the 2023 Eid homecoming flow at Bakauheni Port, South Lampung Regency, Lampung. Thursday.

"So today, the three of us and their ranks carry out direct monitoring, especially related to services at the crossing from the Banten area to Lampung," said Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, as quoted by Antara in Bakauheni.

He and his entourage visited Merak Port, Ciwandan Port, to Bakauheni, and Panjang.

"From the report, last night (Wednesday) until today there was an increase in crossing travelers," he said.

He explained that according to data, the number of passengers crossing from Wednesday (19/4) night to Thursday morning was the highest number.

"Where the number of crossings is around 165 thousand, higher than last year's 155,000," he said.

He said there might still be a surge in passengers crossing today.

He appreciated the officers because the traffic engineering which was divided into three piers, namely Ciwandan, Merak and BBJ, the level of congestion could be controlled.

"We can see that with traffic engineering there will be no more traffic jams in the upper area, of course this is a improvement from the evaluation that we have carried out," he said.

He appreciated that until now in the Lampung area there have been no reports related to criminal incidents, such as disturbances to social security.

"Earlier we checked, there were no reports of criminal incidents. To anticipate the safety of travelers in order to avoid disturbances from the Kambtibmas to certain areas that are considered prone to jumping squirrels and holdings, we carry out strict guarding," he said.

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