JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said 30 thousand vehicles cross the Kalikangkung Toll Gate, Central Java, every hour today. Thus, it is possible that it will implement local traffic engineering.
However, the local one way scheme will only be implemented if the number of vehicles crossing the Kalikangkung Toll Gate reaches 60 thousand per hour.
"The Kapolda said that if the burden and capacity were still above 60 thousand, of course there would be a local one way," Sigit told reporters, Tuesday, April 18.
The local one way scheme means the application of traffic engineering in one area is different from the other. Thus, it does not always refer to the Korlantas arisan which applies one way from the Cipali KM 72 Toll Road to the Kalikanglung KM 414 Toll Gate.
However, in implementing traffic engineering locally, it is said that it will have an impact on people who will go through the toll road in the opposite direction.
Therefore, all ranks of Korlantas and Polda ranks are asked to periodically inform the public.
"So that people can really follow and know and not be trapped when the engineering is still ongoing," said Sigit.
Then, all ranks were also asked to inform about the rest area. Because, it is very important for travelers who want to rest.
Moreover, preventing motorists from stopping on the shoulder of the road which can have a bad impact. Starting from traffic jams to accidents.
"Of course we also inform you that after exit how to enter back into this toll road also needs to be informed so that this becomes an option so that there are no road users who then rest on the shoulder and shoulder because this is of course the first to have an impact on increasing congestion," said Sigit.
Previously it was reported, the National Police Chief said the number of vehicles entering the Kalikangkung Toll Gate increased to 300 percent per day. Thus, the peak of the homecoming flow is predicted to occur tonight and tomorrow.
"We just carried out a check related to the ketupat operation held by the Central Java Regional Police, especially at the Kalikangkung Toll Gate, it was reported that to date there has been an increase of almost 300 percent," Sigit told reporters, Tuesday, April 18.
The percentage increase is calculated using the method of vehicles passing per hour. Currently, 30 thousand vehicles pass through the Kalikangkung Toll Gate every hour.
"From the normal limit of 10 thousand per hour, now it has entered at 30 thousand, so it is close to 300 percent and it is estimated that it will peak around tonight and tomorrow," he said.
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18 Januari 2025, 00:16