JAKARTA - The polemic of tree cutting revitalization on the south side of the National Monument (Monas) between the DKI Provincial Government and the Medan Merdeka Area Steering Committee has been resolved. After a commitment to replanting trees, the revitalization can be continued.

However, there is one thing that is still stuck. Where are the 191 mahogany tree trunks that have been felled? Until now, its existence is still a mystery.

Mahogany trees are expensive to buy and sell. The batubata.info website notes that one mahogany board with a size of 3 cm x 30 cm x 100 cm can be sold for IDR 3.25 million.

Unfortunately, the ranks of the DKI Provincial Government were throwing balls at each other when asked about the existence of the 191 trees. Head of the DKI Jakarta Cipta Karya, Spatial Planning and Land (Citata) Service Heru Hermawanto admitted that his party does not take care of the trees that have been felled. In fact, the Citata Office is the manager of the Monas revitalization process.

"In terms of the provisions, the tree belongs to the Monas Area Management Unit (UPK)," Heru said when he was met at the DPRD DKI Building, Jalan Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, February 12.

However, Heru guaranteed that the tree trunk would not be abandoned. "Usually, (the trees that are felled) are stored or used to make benches or furniture," he said.

In line with Heru, Head of the City Park and Forest Service, Suzi Marsitawati, also feels irresponsible for the fate of the trees that have been sacrificed in the revitalization of Monas.

"All of this is the responsibility of the UPK Monas under the Tourism Office. There has been no more interference from the Parks Department since 2012. The UPK Monas manages the UPK," said Suzi.

Suzi said, his party only received recommendations on the number of trees that should be replanted. It is known that the number must be three times that of the 191 trees felled, namely 573 trees.

"We only recommend the number of trees. In accordance with the Decree of the Head of Office number 91 of 2002, we have to replace one in three," he said.

Revitalization fields at Monas (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOi)

Meanwhile, when contacted by telephone, the Head of UPK Monas, Isa Sanuri, was surprised to hear the information that his party was said to be responsible for the fate of the felled trees.

To VOI, Isa admitted, let alone converting it as furniture, the whereabouts of the tree trunk, Isa did not know. "I don't even know where. The one who takes care of it is the revitalization executor, yes, the Citata Service. I'm also confused," answered Isa.

For information, the DKI Provincial Government is targeting the revitalization of Monas for 3 (three) years from the start of work or will be completed in 2021. This revitalization is part of the Master Plan for Arrangement of the Medan Merdeka Area Site Plan, the result of a design competition whose winner is set in early 2019.

The main plan for the revitalization is to build Plaza Square as a forum for citizen expression on each side of Monas, both in the South, East, and West areas, as well as the construction of a pond that can reflect the image of the Monas Monument.

Currently, the revitalization process has begun in the Plaza Selatan area of 34,841 m2. Plaza Selatan Monas will be designated as an open space that accommodates government activities, both central and regional.

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