Anticipating the theft of empty houses during the homecoming season, the Central Jakarta Metro Police has given an appeal for socialization to the community in 386 RWs.

"People who go home to register with their respective RTs so that they can be known which ones are indeed many empty houses or which points are vulnerable (crimes) so we need to carry out extra patrols," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin when confirmed, Thursday, April 13.

In order to secure the area, the Central Jakarta Metro Police have deployed personnel in ketupat operations from D-7 to D+7 Lebaran.

"We mapped, we identified and based on reports from the heads of RT who will later record in their respective areas. Currently there are 312 teams," he said.

Reports from the heads of RT are very much needed by the police in order to easily monitor the area.

"Later we can do a mapping of which points are full of clumps, of course what we anticipate is not only crime, theft but also fire," he said.

Kombes Komarudin appealed that people who want to go home before leaving their homes should be more careful to check that the house is safe.

"Then the electricity line connection has been cut off, the gas has been turned off and left to the neighbors or the head of the local RT. So that we (the police) can keep the houses left behind from becoming targets for theft and potential fires that can threaten the surrounding environment," he said.

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