JAKARTA - Circulating videos on social media show a group of people who are said to have looted basic goods aid for earthquake victims in West Sulawesi.

Based on the 28-second video uploaded by the Twirtter account @manhajasalaf_, a group of people gathered around the pickup truck. They took the things that were in that car.

"Looting while distributing to the West Sulawesi Region. May Allah protect Humanitarian Volunteers and also the people affected by the disaster," quoted from the account @manhajasalaf_

In fact, in the middle of the video, a person wearing an orange jacket can be seen picking up two sacks of rice. Meanwhile, several other people also tried to take other items.

Confirmed regarding the alleged looting, West Sulawesi Police Public Relations Head AKBP Syamsu Ridwan did not say much. He only said that a number of personnel had been alerted to oversee the distribution of aid.

"A team has been deployed along the aid distribution route," he said.

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