A total of 10 mosques in Indonesia received the Nabawi Award held by the Indonesian Muslim Cendekiawan Association (ICMI) in a series of Nuzulul Quran 1444 H/2023 M events held by the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Saturday.

The ten mosques are the Al Khoory Unismuh Makassar Subulussalam Mosque, Sentul Andalusia Mosque, UI Ukhuwah Islamiyah Mosque, IPB Alhurriyah Mosque, West Sumatra Baiturrahman Mosque, Makassar Al Markaz Al Islami Mosque, Nurul Muttah IMMIM Mosque, Ilmi ITS Manarul Mosque, UGM Campus Mosque, and South Jakarta Istiqomah Mosque.

Deputy Chancellor II Unismuh Makassar Prof. Andi Sukri Syamsuri, admitted that he was grateful that the Al Khoory Unismuh Makassar Subulussalam Mosque was one of 10 mosques that received the 2023 Nabawi Award.

"I have been informed by Central ICMI friends since yesterday. Mr. Prof. Gagaring Pagalung, as Chairman of BPH Unismuh, who was present to receive the award in Jakarta today," said Andis, his nickname quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 8.

He explained that the Unismuh mosque was considered successful in creating a friendly and harmonious environment for the people and was able to become a center for active religious activities in their area.

The award was handed over, he continued, by the General Chairperson of ICMI, Prof Arif Satria, together with the Secretary General of ICMI Dr Andi Yuliani Paris, to representatives of each mosque who won the award.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the Al-Khoory Unismuh Subulussalam Mosque Management, who is also the Vice Chancellor I of Unismuh Dr Abd Rakhim Nanda, expressed his size for the award.

"Hopefully this award can be a motivation for the Unismuh mosque to continue to innovate in developing mosques as a center for community activities that are beneficial to the community," said Rakhim Nanda.

The Unismuh Mosque has been known as a vehicle for fostering people. During the month of Ramadan, this mosque holds Ramadan recitations every day, with various themes, ranging from fiqh worship, zakat and others.

This mosque has also given birth to hundreds of hafidz fostered both through Ma'had Al Birr Unismuh, Unismuh Tarjih Ulema Education, and KH Djamaluddin Student Islamic Boarding School Amien

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