JAKARTA - The vital function of air transportation during homecoming is a serious concern of the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI).

Chairman of the Indonesian Transportation Society Aviation Transportation Forum (MTI) Aris Wibowo said, MTI provides recommendations for air transportation management strategies for flight operators ahead of the 2023 homecoming.

"Air transportation is one of the modes of transportation used by the public for long-distance travel, especially between islands in Indonesia. MTI pays great attention to efforts to increase the implementation of air transportation on Eid transportation in 2023," said Aris in Jakarta, Tuesday, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, April 8.

Aris explained that the MTI strategy in general can be divided into two, namely covering in terms of flight transportation safety and security, as well as in terms of flight transportation services.

In terms of aviation safety and security, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) as the regulator must monitor the development of air transportation during the Eid season. In addition, the Ministry of Transportation must synergize with Korlantas, the National Police, the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of PUPR, and the Regional Government.

Airport operators must also establish synergies with the Airport Authority Office, TNI, Police, Airnav Indonesia, BMKG, Health Office, and airlines.

In addition, it is necessary to check airport security readiness, and PK-PPK (Airport Rescue & Fire Fighting), as well as CCTV at all airports must be ensured to be active.

In terms of transportation services, Aris explained that airlines must inform passengers in the event of a change in flight schedule. In the event of a delay, the operator is advised to compensate passengers.

"The airline must notify passengers regarding the delay in flight schedules. Pay compensation to passengers," said Aris.

Aris further explained that airport operators must also ensure the availability of land public transportation at airports, as well as standby health services at passenger terminals considering the number of passenger movements which has increased dramatically compared to normal days.

"We propose for air operators to increase interconnection with other transportation," said Aris.

Aris also reminded aviation stakeholders to be prepared to face a surge in passengers at the peak of the 2023 homecoming flow.

"All national aviation stakeholders must be ready to face a surge in passengers during Eid, D-7 to D+7 transportation periods, especially at the peak of homecoming and peak of backflow," said Aris.

MTI predicts that the homecoming flow will increase by 14.2 percent, from 85.5 million in 2022 to 123.8 million in 2023.

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