SEMARANG - The atmosphere at Johar Market, Semarang City seemed lively when the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, blusukan, Wednesday, April 5. Ganjar's arrival that afternoon was to review the implementation of market operations and at the same time monitor the prices of basic necessities ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1444 H.

Departing from his official residence, at 12.10 WIB, Ganjar went straight to the old Johar Market area which is next to the Semarang Grand Mosque Alon-aloon. Ganjar first greeted the traders at the Kanjengan Market. "Eh Pak Ganjar, bought up by Mr. merchandise, "said the traders.

"What's the sale? What's the price, has it gone up yet? What's going up," said Ganjar Pranowo.

A trader, Retno said that the price of garlic commodities began to rise. Before Ramadan, the price of garlic was Rp. 28,000, then in the second week of Ramadan the price of garlic reached Rp. 31,000 per kilogram.

Despite being felt high by traders, the price is still below the price set by the central government, which is around Rp. 32,000 per kilogram.

We see the prices here. If the basic ingredients were relatively stable, yes, garlic, shallots. Garlic is relatively stable, the shallots are slightly rising, but still below the reference price," said Ganjar after the inspection.

Ganjar Pranowo said that the market operation carried out this time was an effort by the Central Java Provincial Government to stabilize the prices of basic commodities ahead of Eid. Therefore, said Ganjar, market operations will continue until they approach Eid al-Fitr. "We will continue to check the prices ahead of Eid al-Fitr," said Ganjar.

In addition to monitoring commodity prices, Ganjar also checks the price of clothing in the market. According to Ganjar, the atmosphere of Eid has been felt even though Eid is relatively old.

"The clothes have increased. The feeling is that the atmosphere of Eid has started to exist. So this is quite good economic activity and we are deliberately entering traditional markets," said Ganjar.

Previously, it was reported that Ganjar was promoting monitoring of basic necessities and market operations to prevent regional inflation. This was revealed by Ganjar after attending the Regional Inflation Control Coordination Meeting led by the Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian.

"Hopefully this week my friends will come down, see and check which markets are lacking and must intervene," said Ganjar Pranowo.

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