6 Facts About The Official Car Accident Of The Regent Of Kuningan Which Has Two Lives
The official car of the Regent of Kuningan Acep Purnama who was involved in the accident in Kuningan, West Java, Monday (ANTARA)

YOGYAKARTA The car carrying the Regent of Kuningan Acep Purnama had an accident on Jalan RE Martadinata, Sindang Agung, Kuningan Regency. The incident occurred on Monday, April 3. The fact that the Kuningan Regent's official car accident was also in the public spotlight.

As is known, the accident happened to Acep Purnama when he was riding in the Kuningan Regency Government with license plate number E 888 Y. Some facts related to the accident are as follows.

Two people who were husband and wife were victims of the collision, namely Jamaludin and Ilah Kustullah who were residents of Mekarmukti Village, Sindanggung District, Kuningan.

Both died at the location. This was conveyed by the Head of Lantas at the Kuningan Police, AKP Vino Lestari. The victim, a motorcycle rider who passed by, was then hit by the official car of the Kuningan regent. In addition to the victim who died, another person was seriously injured.

Initially, the Regent of Kuningan rode an official car to inspect the landslide location in Ciwaru. While on Jl RE Martadinata, Sindang Agung, Kuningan Regency, the car overtook the vehicle from the east. Unfortunately, the driver disappeared and hit another vehicle.

Two fatalities initially came from the opposite direction. When the Regent's official car left the lane, the victim was hit. In addition, the official car also hit several two-wheeled vehicles including four motorbikes being hit in a parking lot and one while driving, causing the victim to die. The car also hit a welding repair shop beside the road which became the scene of the accident.

The driver of the official car of the Regent of Kuningan with license plate number E 888 Y is a man with the initials UK age 74. The police have also named the driver a suspect. He was considered negligent, causing the car he was driving to get off the track which should have then hit causing two people to die and one seriously injured.

The driver of the Regent of Kuningan was charged with Article 310 paragraph (4) of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. He faces a maximum prison sentence of six years.

The Regent of Kuningan Acep Purnama who was a passenger of the official car was in good condition. He also explained that he had not suffered any injuries. According to his confession, when the incident occurred he felt a severe shock. Even when the incident occurred, Acep immediately got out of the car and helped evacuate the victim.

Acep went to the Kuningan Police Headquarters to provide information as a witness to the accident that caused the husband and wife to die. He expressed his condolences to the families of the victims who died. Acep apologized profusely to the families of the victims as well as to the entire Kuningan community.

Acep has also visited the funeral home and was accepted by the victim's parents. He admitted that his party would be fully responsible, including covering the needs of the victims' children who died.

In addition to the fact of the Kuningan Regent's official car accident, visit VOI.ID for other interesting information.

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