JAKARTA - The Governor of West Java (West Java) M Ridwan Kamil proposed to the Indonesian Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) to submit data on recipients and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine to the provincial government.

Kang Emil, Ridwan Kamil's nickname, also asked for the problem of daily COVID-19 data input to be immediately addressed.

"So last night I called the Minister of Health, Budi Gunadi, conveying that the proposal for vaccine distribution was submitted to the provincial government and he agreed in principle as long as there was coordination," said Kang Emil after reviewing the implementation of the initial vaccination at RSHS Bandung, West Java, Thursday, January 14. .

Kang Emil also requested that the detailed information on COVID-19 vaccine recipients from the central government be provided to local governments.

The goal, if there are people who are registered but do not come during vaccination, it is easy to search and track.

"Don't get something viral later because of mis-coordination of data. The Ministry of Health also said that for stage one the distribution of vaccines and vaccinations would like to make sure it went smoothly or what the lack was. That is why in stage I vaccine recipients are determined by the central government," he said.

For the distribution of phase II vaccines, the Ministry of Health has approved the West Java Provincial Government's wishes. The next task is to determine the proportion of vaccines in the area according to the level of emergency.

"That's because we know more about the field, so the vaccination process runs proportionally. The two reasons are agreed and understood. The Minister's reason is that not all regions have readiness like in West Java. The policy is based on a request. West Java asks for it because we are ready," he said.

Kang Emil also touched on the problem of inputting case data which is a source of public information. According to him, 10 thousand laboratory results regarding COVID-19 have yet to be announced.

"I do not understand whether 10 thousand will be paid in installments or how to make a scene, I do not understand that. However, the increase is influenced by the queue of data from the past which is not real time. I admit that. I conveyed the complaint," he said.

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