JAKARTA - Commission II of the DPR questioned two decisions by the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) regarding the resolution of the election dispute proposed by the Prima Party. Bawaslu stated that the two decisions were different, respectively.

According to him, the first decision in November 2022 was the decision to resolve the process dispute, while the second decision that was recently issued by Bawaslu was related to Prima, namely the decision to handle election administration violations.

"There are two considered the same decision. No, this is a different decision. Yesterday's decision, which was the previous in November, was the decision to resolve the dispute over the process, which is now the decision to handle the election administration violation. These two decisions are different, different," Bagja told reporters, Tuesday, March 28.

Bagja ensured that the decision on the Prima Party case would not interfere with the ongoing stages of the General Election. Although, Bawaslu asked the KPU to provide an opportunity for the Prima Party to improve the administrative requirements file as a candidate for the 2024 General Election.

"God willing, it will not interfere with the stages of the election. However, Bawaslu will still see the progress of the stages that will be carried out. Of course we will not sacrifice the ongoing stages of the election," said Bagja. Previously, Bawaslu rejected the lawsuit.

"We want to ask, what is the reason. Something that was rejected before is now accepted. I think if it was received in the past, it would not be possible to go to the District Court. Now that there is a PN decision, how come it is accepted," said Chairman of Commission II of the DPR Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tandjung in a working meeting with election organizers in the meeting room of Commission II of the DPR, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, March 27.

Because of this decision, Doli revealed, there were political parties that were previously declared ineligible (TMS) as participants in the 2024 General Election, they would also take the same steps as the Prima Party.

"Then we want to waste energy there and there? So maybe that's what we will discuss later, what the ending will be like, we'll see. We ask the Chairman of Bawaslu to convey his statement," said the Golkar Party legislator. Doli emphasized that Commission II has a responsibility so that election administrators such as KPU, Bawaslu, and DKPP can be credible. Because according to Doli, if the institution has been labeled uncreasible, it will affect the implementation of the election itself.

"I also don't know whether the decision taken by Bawaslu will increase or reduce that credibility," said Doli.

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