CIREBON - Cirebon City Resort Police (Polres), West Java, thwarted the circulation of as many as 27,000 illegal firecrackers to be circulated in the area, arresting two perpetrators.

"The evidence that we confiscated in total was 27 thousand firecrackers of various types," said West North Police Chief, Cirebon City Police AKP Iwan Gunawan as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, March 27.

Iwan said the 27,000 illegal firecrackers were confiscated from two people who were suspected of distributing them in the jurisdiction of the Cirebon City Police.

According to him, the two people who were secured with a number of evidence, namely RL (22) and WA, were both residents of Susukan Village/Sub-district, Cirebon Regency.

Both continued Iwan, were caught red-handed by officers while conducting patrols. Where the officers suspected that a minibus carrying goods was closed tightly, and after the inspection, it turned out that it contained firecrackers.

"We secured these two people on Monday (27/3) around 11.30 WIB on Jalan Tuparev, Kejaksan District, Cirebon City," he said.

He added that from the provisional statement, the two of them got the firecrackers from Indramayu Regency, and will be circulated in a number of shops in Cirebon.

Currently, both of them and evidence have been secured at the West North Police Headquarters, Cirebon City Police, for further investigation and questioning.

"As a result of their actions, the two of them were the Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 article 1 paragraph 3," he said.

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