Qatar Government Strongly Condemns Al-Quran Burns In Copenhagen, Denmark
Illustration of the Quran. (Between)

JAKARTA - The Qatari government on Saturday local time strongly condemned the burning of a copy of the Koran in the Danish capital, Copenhagen.

In a statement, Qatar's Foreign Ministry described the incident as "an act of heinous incitement" as well as a "provocation of the feelings of Muslims around the world."

It also said that such actions sparked hatred and violence and "dangered the values of peaceful coexistence."

Quoted from Antara, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized its call to support the values of tolerance and coexistence and to "enforce the principles of security and international peace through dialogue and understanding."

In recent months, there have been a number of acts of burning the Koran or attempts to carry out these actions by Islamophobic figures or groups in eastern Europe and Nordic countries, especially in Denmark and Sweden.

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