JAKARTA - The DPR RI received a Presidential Letter regarding the name of the candidate for Chief of Police of the Republic of Indonesia on behalf of Listyo Sigit.

Through Surpres number: R-02 / Pres / 01/2021 which was conveyed by Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) proposed the name of the Head of Criminal Investigation of the National Police, Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo, as a candidate for the National Police Chief to replace Idham Azis.

Listyo is closely related to President Jokowi's name. This is because he was President Jokowi's adjutant in 2014.

Listyo shared the moment when he was offered to be President Jokowi's aide. He told this when he was appointed as Kabareskrim to replace Komjen Idham Aziz in December 2019.

He said that the offer to become an aide appeared when he asked Jokowi for his blessing to attend the staff and high-ranking police school.

"One month I went to school, I asked for his blessing (Jokowi, red). Then (Jokowi, red) offered to be an adjutant," Listyo said as quoted by Tempo.

He chose to accept the offer. However, despite being offered directly by Jokowi, Listyo had to run a number of tests.

He ran the first test with three other mid-level officers, one of whom was Agus Suryonugroho, who is the Head of Legal Affairs for the East Kalimantan Regional Police.

The test results were not announced. So that he actually doesn't know whether to qualify or not.

However, recently he carried out the second selection until finally he could become President Jokowi's adjutant.

At that time, Listyo was Jokowi's most senior aide. Because, of all Jokowi's aides, he came from the 1991 class while the others came from the 1993 class of the TNI.

Career as Jokowi's adjutant for two years. After that, he was promoted to Kapolda Banten.

Persidium Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Neta S. Pane said that the proximity of the two of them to Listyo was a consideration for Jokowi to choose Listyo as the National Police Chief.

"It seems that Jokowi has more confidence in his security in his trusted people who were his aides when he first became President," Neta said in his statement, Wednesday, January 13.

Neta also considered that Jokowi's appointment was still using the old pattern, namely referring to young cadres. This is because if we reflect on the reference to Tito Karnavian at that time, the mass of his devotees was still quite long.

"Sigit's appointment as the National Police Chief seems to follow the style of Tito Karnavian's appointment as the National Police Chief, which was also carried out by President Jokowi at the beginning of his presidency. Namely at that time Tito was a young Polri cadre whose retirement period was still long, around six years from now. 2027, "said Neta.

With that comparison, Neta said that Listyo wanted Jokowi to be escorted during his tenure as president. Thus, designating him as the sole candidate for Chief of Police.

"From this it can be seen that Jokowi wants as long as he is in power to be President, he wants to be escorted by Sigit as the Chief of Police," he said.

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