KUDUS - As the youngest member of Walisongo, Sunan Muria is known to have a different way of da'wah from her predecessor. In addition to using art, like her father, Sunan Kalijaga, Sunan Muria also has another way, namely by inviting to care for the environment. This is how the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, is very impressed with the Waliyullah whose grave is located on this Muria hill.

"So we must preserve the conservation spirit inherited by Sunan Muria. Moreover, in his grave area this is surrounded by forests. So let's take care together," said Ganjar after a pilgrimage at Sunan Muria's grave, Sunday, March 19.

Because of his invitations around the environment, Sunan Muria is easily accepted by ordinary people. Even ordinary people at that time love Sunan Muria even more because she is very clever in conducting acculturation.

Kenduri, for example. If people at that time liked to party when they got excess sustenance, by eating big and drinking, then Sunan Muria slowly replaced the contents. No longer eating and drinking, but into eating and praying or reciting together.

"He respects good old habits, as well as presents new, better cases," said Ganjar.

This means, said Ganjar Pranowo, to solve the problem properly, there must be a way. Including his way of presenting development, as well as opening puppet performances. Therefore, Sunan Muria is still loved by the community.

"Even the graves at the top of a hill like this are still visited by thousands of people every day," said Ganjar.

Prior to the pilgrimage at Sunan Muria's grave, Ganjar Pranowo first made a pilgrimage to the graves of Sunan Kalijaga and Demak kings. Meanwhile, on the previous day, he made a pilgrimage to the tomb of Sunan Ampel, Maulana Malik Ibrahim or Sunan Gresik, continuing to Sunan Giri, Sunan Drajat and Sunan Bonang. From the series of Walisongo's visit, Ganjar will continue his pilgrimage to Sunan Gunungjati's grave in Cirebon and then attack on his parents' grave.

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