JAKARTA - History activist Saddam Husein's Twitter account or better known as @mazzini_giusepe has disappeared since Friday, February 7, when he was asked to fill out a form in the name of the official Twitter email.

After being traced by the VOI team, it turned out that the man who was usually called Mazzini received an email that was not official from Twitter, using domail gmail.com instead of Twitter.com, namely [email protected]. Allegedly, Mazzini was hit by phishing, namely someone who took over someone else's account by resetting the password for a specific purpose.

"Dear Valued User. We want people to express their personality freely in their profile names and descriptions, but we have found that your account with harassed profile information often carries intentions of harassment and is associated with harassing behavior. For these reasons, there is some inappropriate content on your profile. Please confirm your membership or your account will be closed, "wrote the description.

Capture the screen of the email that Mazzini got (Photo: Special)

The email containing the threat required Mazzini to immediately fill out a form including his Twitter account username and password. Shortly after he entered the two information, immediately the Twitter account @mazzini_giusepe disappeared from the Twitter universe.

Capture the screen of the email that Mazzini got (Photo: Special)

"So at 10 pm I received the email, because I saw it from the Twitter service, I just clicked it, then I was told to fill in the form, after completing the form, there was a notification saying my account was locked for the next two days. days later I tried to log in and there was no response from my account, "said Mazzini to the VOI team, Monday, February 10.

Capture the screen of the email that Mazzini got (Photo: Special)

Previously, Mazzini considered this a notification that Twitter was officially under repair. But apparently, he just realized that he was hit by a phishing case.

Mazzini admitted he was negligent in the security of his Twitter account, that he did not use two-factor authentication, which is extra security for an account. Where, when a user logs in to social media, he will get a notification if he logs in on a different (suspicious) device and location than usual.

"Yes, I don't use two-factor authentication, let alone email backups, because I actually play Twitter, I don't think about the security. The fault is there," said Mazzini.

After realizing that his Twitter account was exposed to phishing, Mazzini immediately looked for the account that had changed hands. He saw that the hacker had changed his username, profile photo, email, phone number. Only his followers are left.

Seeing this, Mazzini received tremendous response from his followers. Because, Mazzini is a celebrity who often talks about history. Even his twittens often get positive responses from the Indonesian people.

"Wow, my history package book lost," twitt @akamustaffa

"Oh, it's really a shame the threads set up," said the account @ pak_oke1

Others, "Even though I really like reading the history," @Fayamabaugm.

At present, Mazzini realizes that his old Twitter account which has a number of followers of 104 thousand will not be able to return even though he has asked for help from Twitter which did not respond to this case. Therefore, he reappeared with a new account, namely @mazzini_gsp.

Just an hour after @mazzini_gsp reappeared on Twitter, he had already gained over 1,000 followers, with his first twitt, "From this to this."

So that this incident does not happen again, Mazzini shared tips for Twitter users, especially selebtwitt.

"You have to be careful when you receive any email, you have to be careful whether it's official email or not. Likewise with other platforms. Don't forget to double security, use two-factor authentication," explained Mazzini.

Furthermore, VOI will strengthen tips so that there are no more cases like Mazzini, here are ways to keep your social media accounts from being phished or hacked.

1. Do not use passwords that are easy to guess. This method will make it more difficult for hackers to guess the password you are using. Can use a combination of letters or numbers that are not easy to guess. However, it is worth looking into to consider a password combination that is easy for you to remember.

2. Use the two-step verification feature In order for your security to be even more secure, several social media have provided this feature including Instagram, Facebook and even Gmail email services. This feature is useful for informing every time someone accesses your account with a suspected location and device.

If you have activated this feature, you will usually receive an SMS containing a code that you need to input in order to log into your account. Not only via SMS containing the log in code, you can also choose to use a specified number of codes.

3. Do not open an email that is not from an official domain. Hacking cases can happen anytime and through anything, for example via this email. The hacker will send you an email with a link that you need to follow, such as filling out a form and once it opens you will need to enter your social media username and password.

Once you do that, instantly your social media accounts will disappear and change hands. Please note, identify and carefully research whether the email is official or not.

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