A teacher in Tasiklamaya had an accident and was run over by a vehicle after the motorbike he was driving fell in the middle of Jalan Raya Singaparna, Mangkubumi District, Tasikmalaya City, West Java.

Head of the Tasikmalaya City Police Traffic Unit, AKP Tedjo Reno Indratno, said the victim, Asep (43), a SMA Negeri 2 Singaparna teacher, Tasikmalaya, had a traffic accident on Wednesday, March 15.

"From the statements of several witnesses, the victim fell to the right and was run over by a motorcycle from the opposite direction when he was about to go to school," said Tedjo in Tasikmalaya, Wednesday, March 15, which was confiscated by Antara.

Tedjo said the victim, who works as a teacher with the status of a civil servant (PNS), is a resident of Kota Baru Housing, Cibeureum District, Tasikmalaya City.

He explained that the victim was riding a motorcycle with police number Z 5263 II which was traveling from the direction of Tasikmalaya City to Singaparna, where the victim carried out his duties as a teacher.

But in the middle of the trip, said Tedjo, the victim while overtaking the vehicle in front of him suddenly hit the vehicle in front of him, causing the victim's vehicle to get out of control and fall.

At the same time, he continued, a Honda Beat motorcycle with police number Z 2755 RJ driven by a woman from Singaparna District could not avoid the victim who was eventually run over.

"The victim died at the scene, while the Honda Beat driver was injured," he said.

At the scene, a number of police personnel from the Tasikmalaya City Police Traffic Unit Law Enforcement Unit carried out the crime scene and evacuated the victim to Dr Soekardjo Hospital, Tasikmalaya City.

"After we evacuated the victims to the RSUD, the TKP continued and collected information from several witnesses, while we secured the two vehicles to the Tasikmalaya City Police Headquarters to be used as evidence," he said.

In addition to the area, traffic accidents involving motorbikes also occurred on Mangkubumi-Indihiang Street, Cipari Village, Mangkubumi District, Tasikmalaya City which caused motorcycle riders to suffer injuries.

Victim Syech Ghifari (17) a student had an accident when he was about to go to school when the Honda Beat motorcycle he was driving hit the side door of Luxio's car which was about to turn right.

As a result of the incident, the victim suffered injuries to the forehead, lips, right knee, chin, and head so he had to receive medical treatment at Dr Soekardjo Hospital.

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