JAKARTA - The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) said that the rejection of the application for protection by the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) against the application of AG's legal conflict child related to the case of David Ozora's persecution, was in accordance with the applicable corridor. "This is about the authority for us, regarding the LPSK's authority to protect witnesses and victims, key witnesses, for example. If the results of the Polda Metro Jaya have raised its status, of course it will become ABH (child with legal conflict), that is certainly not the authority of the LPSK," said Chairman of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI), Ai Maryati Solihah to VOI, Wednesday, March 15. The decision on rejection made by LPSK is also respected by KPAI because it is appropriate.

"I respect what the LPSK said by the Chairman of Mr. Hasto, but we remind you of this victim which is the biggest mandate for the victim," he said. KPAI also supervises the situation of protection for victim David Ozora given by LPSK. "We monitor how the protection situation provided by LPSK related to the victim has conveyed, this is what we must pay attention to. KPAI will coordinate with regard to the victim," he said. Previously, it was reported that the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) rejected the request for protection submitted by AG as a child perpetrator in the case of persecution of David Ozora. The decision was based on various considerations. "Rejected (AG protection application, ed)," said LPSK Deputy Chair Susilaningtyas to VOI, Tuesday, March 14. The decision was taken based on several considerations. Another LPSK deputy, Edwin Partogi, said that one of the things that was considered was the facts revealed from the reconstruction some time ago.

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