Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo reviewed the home assistance program for the instant panel system (ruspin) for victims of the tidal disaster in Bedono Village, Sayung District, Demak Regency, Tuesday, March 14.

The total number of families who received ruspin assistance in the village was 34 families. According to Ganjar, the ruspin model for the house on stilts is an alternative and an adaptation form for residents who do not want to be relocated.

"This is a subsident land area. Then today people still want to stay here. The only alternative that is most compromise, yes, because it takes time to explain, it takes time to educate. The only thing is that the house must be on stage," said Ganjar while at the location.

The alternative to the house on stilts was given by the Central Java Provincial Government after going through long communication with local residents. Because Bedono Village is included in the residential area. So far, the adaptation carried out by the community is hoarding or raising the floor of the house.

"This tidal area has become an adaptation of the community. So far, what has been done is hoarding. Hoarding, drowning. Hoarding, drowning. Now this is found concept so that they live here. In the past, when their house was attached to the ground, it was flooded, then it was taken away and the house was short. Now it is all raised, approximately 1.5 meters from the ground, so it is quite high," he explained.

The model of Ruspin assistance is a form of mutual cooperation between the community and the local government. The community provides land and works together to build a house foundation for Rp. 10 million. Assistance from the Central Java Provincial Government for one unit of Ruspin worth Rp. 50 million. A total of 34 houses were built in Bedono Village.

"So we help those who can't afford it continue to be made like that with ruspin and it can be done a day assembled. One day we are assembled, we live in the middle of the wall filled with bricks. That way it will turn out to be like this, this is a finished example. It's up to the family while developing, it's more relieved, healthier and adaptive," he explained.

While in Bedono Village, Ganjar Pranowo took the time to see firsthand the results of the ruspin aid. Among them are Rohmi's ruspin (36). He also saw the installation process or construction of ruspin in the village.

On that occasion, Ganjar was also invited to see the condition of SDN 03 Bedono, whose condition was quite alarming. Every time a rob hits, the school building is always flooded. Regarding the renovation or construction of SDN 03 Bedono, it still has to be re-discussed considering that the location is categorized as not suitable for school facilities.

"In my opinion, the school was no longer feasible. The choice was to move or stay there. If it remains there, the facilities are increasingly limited. If it is not built, it will be high again, but whether we will take that option, the school must be discussed. For residents' houses that are personal, we try to help with the ruspin model and raise it up," he explained.

Rohmi (36), a recipient of Ruspin assistance in Bedono Village, Sayung District, Demak Regency, admitted that he was very happy because he was able to have a decent house. Because the previous house had been submerged in water due to abrasion and could no longer be inhabited. Then at the end of 2022 received Ruspin assistance from the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo.

"In the past, it was abrasion that could not be lived in. Then bought land here and received research assistance. The house was good, delicious, didn't have to raise the house anymore. For good sleep, it wasn't flooded," he said about the help of Ruspin from Ganjar Pranowo.

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