JAKARTA - After going through the assessment of the South Jakarta National City Narcotics Agency (BNNK), the police decided that Ammar Zoni and two other people, driver M and RH will undergo rehabilitation starting today. It is known that Ammar Zoni with two other perpetrators, M (35) and R (37) were arrested on suspicion of drug abuse of 1,04 grams of methamphetamine.

"Yes, it is true that the three suspects are rehab," said South Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Head, Kompol Achmad Ardhy when confirmed, Monday, March 13.

Ardhy said the 3 suspects will undergo a rehabilitation period of 3-6 months. He will be placed starting today, Monday, March 13 at the Lido Rehabilitation Center, West Java

"Yes, that's right, starting today, Rehab is in a government rehabilitation center in Lido. (During) 3-6 months," he concluded.

Previously, soap opera actor Ammar Zoni was arrested by the police for the second time for drug abuse cases. Similar to the previous case, the 29-year-old lawyer and family of soap opera actor will submit an assessment so that Ammar will undergo rehabilitation.

As previously known, in the case of drug abuse in 2017, Ammar Zoni was found guilty and decided to undergo rehabilitation for one year.

Although accompanied by a lawyer is different from the previous case, Elza Syarief as Ammar Zoni's attorney in this case ensures that he is ready to help his client to get rehabilitation.

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