JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (ITAGI) Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro said that his party is confident that the COVID-19 vaccine made by Sinovac is safe. This is based on the results of phase III clinical trials. According to him, vaccination is an important momentum in ending the pandemic.

"By following a scientific study in Bandung, we believe that the Corona vax vaccine is safe and useful in completing health protocols in an effort to reduce the COVID-19 pandemic," he said in a virtual press conference, Monday, January 11.

Sri reminded that vaccination cannot stand alone because it is only a complement. According to him, people still have to carry out health protocols with the implementation of 3M, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands.

Furthermore, Sri explained the reason the community had to stick to 3M's health protocol. He said this was because after being injected with the COVID-19 vaccine, the antibodies of people who received the vaccine did not immediately increase. This means that it takes time for the vaccine to work optimally in the body.

"It takes time to increase the antibodies. At least after two injections (of the vaccine) it is 14 days to one month before the antibody is maximal. So between (at that time) this person (the vaccine recipient) is still vulnerable. So the mask cannot be removed," he said. .

In addition, Sri said, ITAGI hopes that health workers as the first priority for vaccine recipients will not worry about the safety of the vaccine. This is because BPOM has officially issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) permit.

"Health workers, colleagues (can) feel safe in receiving vaccines as the first priority. Because as health workers who are in the guardianship, the first should be protected. Not only for individual health workers but for families, communities and so on," he explained.

As is well known, the Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) officially issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the COVID-19 vaccine made by a Chinese pharmaceutical company, Sinovac.

Head of BPOM Penny Lukito said, with the issuance of an emergency permit for use, the Sinovac vaccine had received permission to be used in the vaccination program.

"Today, the POM has given approval for use in emergency conditions, emergency use authorization for the first COVID-19 vaccine for the Corona vax vaccine produced by Sinovac Biotech Incorporated in collaboration with PT Bio Farma," he said in an online press conference, Monday. , January 11.

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