LAMPUNG BANDAR - Ministry of Transportation recommends Eid homecomings in 2023 or 1444 Hijri not to use motorbikes to avoid traffic accidents. Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumardi said that although the government does not prohibit the use of motorcycles, the high number of accidents is a serious concern. As a solution, the government provides free trains, ships, and buses to make it easier for travelers.

Research from the Ministry of Transportation shows that the number of travelers in 2023 increased from 85 million to 123 million. Of this number, four-wheeled and two-wheeled vehicles dominate land transportation. However, queues of vehicles at Merak Port and the Jakarta-Semarang Toll Road are the main problems every year. For this reason, the Ministry of Transportation cooperates with the Director of Traffic Police, the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT), ASDP, PUPR, and other stakeholders to provide the best service for the community.

The Ministry of Transportation has made preparations for 50 days, including a coordination meeting for handling Eid homecoming at Merak Port. This meeting was attended by relevant stakeholders who discussed the ratio of travelers to service conditions at Merak Port. Merak Port will be optimized by all piers, including the addition of ships and ports. If there is a surge in travelers, then Pelindo-managed Ciwandan and Indah Kiat Ports can be operated.

The Minister of Transportation also asked passengers to buy tickets online before departure to ensure smooth traffic flow. ASDP also added ticket sales through online applications and at rest areas of KM 93 on D day to avoid congestion and density of travelers.

The Director of Security and Safety of Korlantas Polri, Brigadier General Ery Nursatari, appealed to travelers to prioritize safety during travel. In a situation where the number of travelers reaches 123 million, anticipation of congestion and accidents is very important.

The Ministry of Transportation and Korlantas Polri agreed that the use of motorbikes for homecoming is not recommended in order to minimize the risk of traffic accidents. The government hopes that the preparations for Eid 2023 transportation that have been carried out can maintain the smooth, security, and comfort of travelers.

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